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Character Education Activities in our Schools

Some examples of character education activities in our schools:

Malta Avenue: Monthly character education assemblies where key concepts are introduced, illustrated and modeled.  Throughout the month, lessons relating to this attribute are taught in the classrooms and reinforced through a variety of methods.  Students are taught about safe internet use and how to be a good digital citizen (which includes information on cyber-bullying). Each class learns about how all people are alike and appreciate differences by participating in the Children's World Cultural Awareness Program.  Malta Ave. has received the Gold Star No Place for Hate Award from the Anti-Defamation League, several awards related to the New York State Schools of Character Program and is recognized as a National PTA School of Excellence.  Check out your buildings character education initiatives on their webpage: Malta Avenue   

Wood Road/Milton Terrace North/Gordon Creek: From the first day of school the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program mantra of "Be safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible" is taught to all children.  A positive safe school environment allows for greater academic success. Students are taught behavioral expectations and are rewarded for good behavior. Charter Education is woven throughout the program and students are taught specifically what "be respectful" of others means via large group assemblies and classroom level activities. Students are taught about safe internet use and how to be a good digital citizen (which includes information on cyber-bullying). Milton Terrace North is recognized as a National PTA School of Excellence.  Please check out the PBIS information at Wood Road , Milton Terrace and Gordon Creek. 

Middle School:  Building wide programs: Classroom level programs on Tolerance are presented by school counselors which include cyber-bullying as well as teaching kindness and sensitivity. Peer leaders: Eighth grade peer leaders build off of the summer program and meet with sixth graders throughout the year, delivering messages of tolerance and respect during lunches. Seventh grade students will have the opportunity to participate in a program through the Prevention Council that encompasses conflict resolution, stress management, communication and respect.   Incentive Programs to encourage positive behavior: Caught being good, Got Integrity, Silver Spoon awards, citizen of the month. The Middle School has many clubs and activities that promote respect and social responsibility. Some examples are RAD club (Respect Awesome Decisions), Service Learning Club, Students Helping Students, GOC (Girls only Club; to promote positive self-image and self-esteem). Character Education is also embedded throughout Social Studies and English classes focus on the themes of tolerance, acceptance, good citizenship and decision making. Ballston Spa Middle School has received the Gold Star No Place for Hate Award from the Anti-Defamation League. 

High School:  National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) NCBI is a non-profit leadership training that works to eliminate prejudice and inter-group conflict in communities, organizations, and schools throughout the world. Student leaders participate in intensive training and them lead workshops for peers and staff, raising awareness of our diversity while promoting the concepts of acceptance and respect. All staff participate in this training during exam week and, minimally, all ninth grade students will participate each year. Units on civility, respect and dignity are taught in health class, which is a requirement for all students, usually taken in grade ten. English and Social Studies classes teach about tolerance, acceptance and citizenship. High School Clubs and activities: Best Buddies, Interact Club, NCBI, Peer mentoring and Students Helping Students. Ballston Spa High School has received the Gold Star No Place for Hate Award from the Anti-Defamation League.