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General Information

What is the District doing to protect student data?

Administrative Requirements for the Use of Websites, Computer Applications and Online Resources

The District has created requirements that reflect current legislation around student safety and student data privacy and security that helps guide schools in the selection and use of websites, computer applications and online resources.

Student Security, Privacy and Safety App Review

The District has created an application process that evaluates online apps/software. The application reflects the requirements of state and federal regulations while maintaining the rigorous vetting standards set forth by the District.

Professional Collaboration with Districts and Educational Partners

The District actively engages in collaboration with other districts and educational institutions who share an interest in ensuring and advancing student data privacy and security in an online accessible world.

App Review Team

In order to ensure compliance with federal and state standards, apps will be evaluated by a Teacher, Building Principal, the Coordinator of Instructional Technology and the Data Protection Officer.

On-Going Professional Development of Principals and Teachers

The District will provide on-going access to professional development for teachers and principals so that schools can make informed decisions about the apps they choose and maintain a commitment to student data privacy without hindering innovation within the district. Schools will be provided with district-created lessons and materials to educate students about their own digital footprint with regard to data privacy and security.

Data Privacy Language in District Contracts

When a vendor requires any part of a student’s education record beyond directory information and the District deems this vendor’s product to be beneficial to our students, a contract needs to be created to ensure the security and privacy of that data.

Student Email on BSCSD devices

In order to use G Suite for Education, all student accounts have an email address associated with their login. The District controls access to these email accounts. Communication via email between a teacher/mentor and a student is allowed at the Secondary level (6-12).  At this time, we do not allow any communication via email at the Elementary level. There is no student to student email communications allowed at the Secondary level (6-12).

Our commitment to Student Safety and Student data Privacy and Security is on-going and reflects a continued effort to learn and educate in order to stay up-to-date with this very important issue.