Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some questions frequently asked by parents:
Q: Can my child go home with a friend?
Going home with a friend is not permitted due to safety concerns and limited space on the school bus. Parents are advised to arrange an alternate form of transportation. In the case of an emergency, the student must get a bus pass from his/her school.
Q: Can students bring large instruments, ski equipment or skateboards on the bus?
NYS Department of Transportation and federal regulations prohibit bringing large items on the school bus. All items must be secured on the students' lap. Animals of any kind, weapons, glass items, aerosol cans or hockey sticks are not permitted.
Q: Do I need to fill out a daycare form every year?
Yes. Daycare forms must be filled out for each new school year, even if the childcare provider is still the same as the previous year. Daycare forms also need to be completed anytime a childcare situation is changed. This also applies if childcare is reverted back to the students home address.
Q: Do I need to call the Transportation Department when my child does not need the bus?
A call to the Transportation Department is very helpful, especially if the student is the only student at the stop.
Q: What should I do if my child misses the bus?
If your child misses the bus because he/she was not at the bus stop on time, you will be responsible for transporting your child to their appropriate school. Please do not follow the bus or attempt to pull the bus over while it is in route. This is extremely unsafe for the bus to stop along the roadway to board your child.
Q: What happens in the event of a bus accident?
The Transportation Department and the police are called immediately to investigate. Emergency medical personnel are called if necessary. All students will be seen by the school nurse. Parents are notified that their child’s bus was in an accident by a phone call from the school nurse and/or a letter sent home with the student. All accidents are reported to the NYS /Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation. The bus must be checked by the NYS Dept. of Transportation before it can return to the road.
Q: There is a different bus and/or driver for my child today, why?
Due to scheduling of bus repairs and state inspections, a spare bus will be assigned to the driver. The appropriate animal sign will be in the bus window to indicate the bus route/number the driver is representing. If your driver is absent, a substitute driver will drive your child’s bus route. At times you may see a different driver and bus number. Do not be alarmed. All drivers are required to carry a picture district ID with them.
Q: What is the transportation policy regarding children let off at the bus stop without a parent or guardian present?
Students grades 1-12 can be let off the bus at their stop without a parent/guardian present. Kindergarten students will not be let off the bus unless a parent/guardian, daycare provider or an older sibling is at the stop to meet them. Kindergarten students at home or group stops, without someone there to meet them, will be returned to school. In the event a parent/guardian is not at the stop to greet the kindergartner, you will be responsible for picking your child up from the appropriate school.
Q: Why can’t I drop my child off in the bus loop?
The bus loop needs to remain free and clear of traffic at all times. Safety for students, emergency vehicles and school buses is of the utmost importance. There are marked crosswalks from the parking lot to the school to assure safe crossing.
Q: Am I allowed to take my child off the bus after they have boarded the bus at school?
No. For the protection of the student, you must first obtain permission from the school’s main office. This may seem extreme, but given the climate of our society, we cannot be too careful when it comes to the welfare of your child.
Q: Where do lost items on the bus go?
A lost and found is located at the Transportation Department. You are welcome to come and search for your lost item with assistance from office personnel.
Q: What is the late run policy for buses?
HS/MS students may not ride a late bus without a written bus pass signed by a teacher or school administrator. Elementary students must submit a consent authorization form prior to utilizing the bus for after-school programs. At all grade levels, students may ride only their assigned bus. Drop-off locations may be much further from home than their regular bus stop.