Home Tutoring
Home Tutor Process and Expectations
Requests for Tutoring
- Students are eligible for home tutoring if they are unable to attend school in-person for at least 10 days during a 3 month period due to illness or injury.
- Students in grades K-6 receive 10 hours of tutoring per week.
- Students in grades 7-12 receive 15 hours of tutoring per week.
- The parent/guardian must complete and submit the “Request for Home Instruction Application” and submit it to the building administrator.
- The request must include written medical verification from the student’s treating healthcare provider.
- The building administrator will forward the request to the Director of Student Support Services who will collaborate with the District Medical Director for review.
- If approved, the Director of Student Support Services will notify the building administrator who will then assign a tutor(s).
- The assigned tutor(s) will contact the parent/guardian to coordinate the time and location where tutoring will occur.
- If denied, the district will notify the parent/guardian in writing. A parent/guardian may appeal the denial to the Board of Education within 10 school days from the denial notice.
- Home tutoring will not be approved beyond 30 days without administrative review. Requests for tutoring beyond 30 days will require:
- Review of the student’s attendance and participation in tutoring.
- Review of information from the student’s teachers and tutor regarding their educational performance.
- A medical update from the treating health care provider supporting the continuation.
Guidelines and Expectations
- Tutors are expected to provide instruction during tutoring sessions. In most cases students will be expected to complete academic work independently outside of tutoring sessions.
- Unless the student's condition prevents them from receiving tutoring in a public location, every effort will be made to arrange for services to be provided outside the home.
- In the event that tutoring must be provided at the student's home, a parent/guardian must be present.
- Tutoring sessions via Google Meet are allowed as necessary and agreed upon.
- Tutors are required to record student attendance and a log of work completed. Parents/guardians will be asked to verify and sign the log.
- Parents/guardians must contact the tutor directly as soon as possible when a scheduled tutoring session needs to be canceled or rescheduled.
- A student's failure to attend scheduled tutoring sessions without a medical excuse may result in the suspension of tutoring services.
- Any questions or concerns regarding tutoring services should be directed to the assigned tutor or the building administrator.