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Senior Scholarships

Each year the Ballston Spa Music Department presents 43 scholarships to graduating seniors worth over $2,800. Students can earn scholarships for their participation in our Tri-M Music Honor Society, music activities club, and contributions made to their performing ensembles. All of the proceeds from our Annual Pops Concert go directly to the music scholarship fund to support our seniors who have given so much to our department and community.

If you would like to make a contribution to the scholarship fund, please send a check payable to: BSCSD
The check memo or attached letter should reference: Music Dept. Scholarships #SCH102

Checks should be mailed to: 
Ballston Spa CSD
Attn: Deb Carminati
220 Ballston Avenue
Ballston Spa, NY 12020

Applications can be found in Schoology on your Ensemble course page. Not every award requires a scholarship. Only those designated need to have a completed application by the April 1st deadline.

Scholarships Awarded to Graduating Seniors:

John Phillip Sousa ($100)

Louis Armstrong Jazz Award ($100)

Music Activities Club Award ($100) - 3 students - 1 voted in each discipline

National School Choral Award ($100) - 2 students

National School Orchestra Award ($100)

Saratoga Warren County Music Festival Award ($125) - 3 students

Spirit of Band ($50) - 10 students APPLICATION REQUIRED

Spirit of Chorus ($50) - 10 students APPLICATION REQUIRED

Spirit of Orchestra ($50) - 10 students APPLICATION REQUIRED

Tracy DeRagon Devotion to Music Education Award APPLICATION REQUIRED

Tri-M Chapter 4029 of Ballston Spa High School Outstanding Member Award ($100)