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Remote Learning Resources

All applications in this document function best in Google Chrome and can be accessed by phone, tablet, Chromebook or desktop computers. Click launchpad to access directions to download the Chrome browser for free (if it is not currently downloaded on your home device).  

In order for BSCSD students to access the district's resources, students must sign into the Scottie's Dashboard with their login credentials. Both High School and Middle School students create their own passwords and are aware of their login credentials and therefore the district can't mail this information home. In the event that a High School or Middle School student doesn't remember their credentials, students should submit a Student Help Desktop Request.  

The district has recently mailed home all login credentials for Elementary students in the event that a child can't remember their login. The district creates Elementary student passwords, hence the reason for being able to mail this information home.   In order to continue to protect our student's personally identifiable information and data, please note that the resources listed in this document have gone through our rigorous, instructional technology vetting process. The district will not be promoting free resources that have not been vetted.    Disclaimer: Ballston Spa Central School District can only guarantee the safety of your child's digital footprint and identity if he/she/they are using one of the district approved applications located in the Scottie's Dashboard. The use of other websites/applications is at the discretion of the parent. Please read the Privacy Policies of any non-district approved applications to ensure that your child's identity is safe.  As a district, we are to remain especially vigilant about cyber-security in the weeks and months ahead. 

Scottie's Dashboard Login Tutorial

	 Scottie's Dashboard Login Tutorial

Please watch the brief video clip that explains how students can sign into the Scottie's Dashboard from a Desktop, Chromebook or Tablet. The Scottie's Dashboard should be launched in the Chrome browser.