Health Related Links
Addiction and Bullying Prevention This site addresses bullying that can lead to mental health disorders and addiction.
Allergy & Asthma Network Education and advocacy for families with allergies or asthma
American School Health Association Promoting the health of our nation's youth
Food Allergy Research and Education Promoting food allergy awareness
Head Lice Information on Head Lice (pediculosis)
Healthy Schools Network Information about environmental health for children
National Diabetes Education Program Learn about diabetes, treatment, and resources.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIH Health Topics provides science-based, plain-language information related to heart, lung, and blood diseases and conditions and sleep disorders. The site contains articles on diseases, conditions, tests, procedures, and other relevant topics, which you can e-mail, print, and share.
National Council on Aging (NCOA) This site features updated data points for sleep categorized by: Sleep deprivation - including causes, effects, and warning signs; Sleep disorders - leading with the most common; Sleep and health overall - with information on what lack of sleep can do.
Pertussis (or Whooping Cough) Information:
CDC’s Whooping Cough Page
NYS Department of Health Whooping Cough Page
Suicide Prevention Links:
National Association of School Psychologists Website
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)