Suburban Council Schools - Directions
Below are directions to the high schools for each of the school districts in the suburban council. For more detailed directions to the high school and other schools within a given district, click on the school district name.
Averill Park
To get to high school, take Rt. I-90 and get off at exit 8 (Rensselaer) turn left for Rt. 43. Go 7-8 miles to West Sand Lake and look for Miller’s Supermarket; about 1½ miles past Miller’s, turn left at high school sign.
To get to high school from the north, take I-87 south to exit 1E, get on I-90 and take it to exit 4. Now take Rt. 85 in Slingerlands to Delmar. Go left on Rt. 140, go to Delaware Ave. and turn right. The school is on your left.
From the south, take the Thruway to exit 23, go straight on 9W to Rt. 32. Stay on this until the "T" turn right and the school is up at the first light on the right.
To get to high school from the South, take Rt. 50 North to Burnt Hills traffic light, turn right on Lake Hill Road. School is up one mile on your left.
From I-87, get over to Route 50, and take it into Burnt Hills. Follow the above directions.
To get to high school from the East or West, take the Thruway to exit 24, to I-87 North. Get of at exit 2E and go right at the light, onto Central Ave. Now take your first left onto Hackett Ave; the school is straight ahead.
From the north, take I-87 south to exit 4, go left at light on to Old Niskayuna Rd, then turn left at light onto Albany Shaker Rd, then go under the Northway and turn right at light onto Wolf Road. After about ¾ mile, turn left onto Sand Creek Road. Now take a right at the 3rd stoplight, and the school is on your right.
To get to high school from the east and Albany, take Rt. 20 west from I-87, go about 4 miles to a left on Rt. 146 south, then go 2 miles to the light, turn left on School Rd, and the school is 3/10 mile down on your left.
From the west, take Rt. 20 east to a right turn on Rt. 146 south. Go 2 miles to the light, then turn left on School Rd, and the school is 3/10 mile down on your left.
From the north or south, take I-87 to Rt. 20 west, and follow "from the east" directions above.
To get to high school from the north, take I-87 south to the Clifton Park-Rexford exit, and go right on Rt. 146. Stay on Rt. 146 for about 6 miles, go over the Mohawk River on the Rexford Bridge, travel another 2 miles and the high school is on your left.
From the south and east, take I-87 to Rt. 7 exit; take Rt. 7 west 5 or 6 miles to Rt. 146 north. Now take Rt. 146 to where it forks, and take the right fork (Union St.) this is still Rt. 146. Now at the 3rd traffic light, continue to stay on Rt. 146 (Balltown Rd.). Travel 1 more mile and at the 3rd light, the high school is on your right.
To get to high school from the south, take I-87 north to exit 13N, get on Rt. 9 north. Proceed for a few miles, and the Museum of Dance is on your left. After this, turn left onto West Fenlon St., go past the traffic light, and turn right onto West Ave. Now go a few hundred yards, and the school is on the right.
From the north, take I-87 south to exit 14, get on Union Ave, and go to the end of it. Now turn left on Circular St. follow it around the park to where the Holiday Inn is on your right. Go straight across the intersection, (Do NOT bear left) continue on until the caution light and turn left onto the school grounds.
To get to high school from Albany, take I-90 to exit 9, go right onto Rts. 4 and 40. Proceed to 1st traffic light and turn left onto Luther Road. About 1 mile ahead, go under I-90 overpass and turn left to high school.
From the south, take I-90 west to exit 9 also, but go left instead of right at the exit, and follow the above directions from there on Rts. 4 and 40.
To get to high school from the north or south, take I-87 to exit 5, and then go left on Rt. 155 east, proceed about 2 miles, cross Rt. 9 and the school is on the left.
To the high school from I-87, get off at exit 9, onto Rt. 146 west. Turn left at traffic light onto Moe Rd. and then go right onto the school grounds; the high school is the 1st building on your left.
To the high school from I-87, get off at exit 6 W-7E for NY-7 toward Troy/Cohoes. Continue onto NY-7E. Turn right onto 8th Street. Turn left onto Peoples Ave. Turn right onto Burdette Ave. High School is at 1950 Burdett Ave.