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Athletic Placement Process

Regulations for students in grades 7 and 8 to participate on a freshman, junior varsity, or varsity interscholastic athletic team
The Athletic Placement Process is a process for screening students to determine their readiness to compete in high school level interscholastic athletic competition by evaluating their physical maturity, emotional readiness, fitness and skill. The student may be placed at the appropriate level of competition which should result in increased opportunity, a fairer competitive environment, reduced injury and greater personal satisfaction. The intent of this program is to provide for students in grades 7 through 12 to safely participate at an appropriate level of competition based upon readiness rather than age and grade.  Students going out for modified &/or modified 9 teams DO NOT need to go through this process.

Prior to tryouts, students will have to complete the following:

The athlete should attend the pre-season meeting for their sport (will be announced in school) to receive the information regarding try outs. Specific information regarding the first day of tryouts will be on each season’s web page as it becomes available. Students must be recommended by the team's coach in order to proceed through the Athletic Placement Process.