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This section provides information on community partners in the Ballston Spa Central School District.   Please use the drop down menu under the tab above to access a list of the current community organizations and related information.

Community Happenings and Updates:

Please check for additional events and updated information on the events calendar located on the home page of the website.

For the most current district and school information, everyone is encouraged to follow us on Twitter:

@BSCSD - Official Twitter handle for the Ballston Spa Central School District
@BSPAHS - Ballston Spa High School
@B_Spa_Athletics - Sports Information
@BSMS_Scotties - Ballston Spa Middle School

@MiltonTerrace - Milton Terrace Elementary School
@GordonCreekES - Gordon Creek Elementary School
@MaltaAveElem - Malta Ave. Elementary School
@Wood_Road_Elem - Wood Road Elementary School

Please also know that we use the SchoolMessenger system to keep parents and families informed about school district happenings in a phone, email or text format.

BARC Utilizes ONLINE Registration
The Ballston Area Recreation Commission (BARC) provides enrichment, sports and fitness activities for students who reside in the Ballston Spa Central School District. The goal of BARC is to provide low cost programs so that those interested may participate.  This is accomplished through support from the towns of Milton, Malta, Ballston, and the village of Ballston Spa. BARC partners with the school district specifically on enrichment opportunities with the Saturday School and Summer Enrichment programs. The registration process and additional information are available exclusively through the BARC website at or call 885-1634.

BACC Before/After School Program Available for Students
The Ballston Area Community Center (BACC) currently has openings in the before and after school programs offered at the Milton Terrace South Elementary School and the BACC site in the center of the Village of Ballston Spa. In partnership with the district, a branch program of the BACC is located in the Milton Terrace cafeteria and is available for students from 6:45am-9:00am and 3:00pm-6:00pm. For more information on school age care and summer programs, please visit or call 885-3261.

Town of Malta Parks & Recreation offers Full Day Camp and Related Programs
Town of Malta Parks & Recreation offers a Full Day Camp “Camp Malta” and lots of great programming for students and families. Please check the programming website for the latest information at   For additional information, please visit, call 899-4411 or email

Community Recycling Program
The district's recycling efforts include the donation of recyclable paper products from community businesses and residents. Community members are encouraged to bring their clean paper or cardboard to containers at the Transportation Facility on Route 50. Pitching in is as easy as adding your clean paper or cardboard to the container. The proceeds from the paper are returned to the schools to support recycling efforts. Please contact the district's Facilities Pride Team at 884-7195 ext. 1315 for additional information.