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2024-2025 Meeting Documents

01-08-25 BOE Meeting Documents

Scholarship Change

Award of Bid - Rubbish Removal

12-18-2024 BOE Minutes - DRAFT

12-18-24 BOE Meeting Documents

Policy 2210 - Committees of the Board - FINAL

Acceptance of Donation - Hannaford Helps

Award of Bid - Portable Radios

12-04-2024 BE Minutes - Draft

11-20-2024 BOE Minutes - Draft


12-04-24 BOE Meeting Documents

Acceptance of Donation - Hannaford Helps

Establish Award

Field Trip -Varsity Baseball

Award of Bid - Transportation

Obsolete Equipment

11-20-24 BOE Meeting Documents

Obsolete Equipment

Budget Transfer

Award of Bid - Toner

Award of Bid - Paper

11-06-2024 BOE Minutes - DRAFT

11-06-24 BOE Documents

Policy 2210 - Committees of the Board - DRAFT

Policy 3420 - Non-Discrimination and Anti Harassment in the District

Budget Calendar - FY 2026

Field Trip - Varsity Hockey

Budget Transfers

Award of Bid - Transportation

10-16-2024 BOE Minutes - DRAFT





10-16-24 BOE Documents

Field Trip - Girls Basketball

Field Trip - Boys Basketball

Award of Bid - Cogeneration Plant Repair and Maintenance

10-02-2024 BOE Minutes - DRAFT


10-02-24 BOE Documents

Award of Bid - Transportation

Obsolete Equipment - Elementary Teacher Manuals

09-18-2024 BOE Minutes

09-18-24 BOE Documents

Obsolete Equipment - Middle School Library

Obsolete Equipment - Food Service

Obsolete Equipment - Elementary Schools

09-04-2024 BOE Minutes

09-04-24 BOE Documents

Award of Bid - HVAC Treatment

Award of Bid - Pest Control

Award of Bid - Transportation

Obsolete Equipment - IT 

Obsolete Equipment - Gordon Creek Elementary School

Field Trip - Clean Tech ECHS

08-21-2024 BOE Minutes

08-21-24 BOE Documents

08-07-24 BOE Minutes

08-07-24 BOE Documents

Award of Bid - Teaching, Office, and Art Supplies

Award of Bid - Painting

Award of Bid - Custodial Supplies

Policy 3421 - Title IX and Sex Discrimination

Policy 6121 - Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment

MOA - BSTA - Spa Academy


District Wide Safety Plan

07-10-2024 BOE Minutes

07-10-2024 BOE Minutes - Reorganization Meeting


07-10-24 BOE Documents 

Policy #3419 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the School District

06-26-2024 BOE Minutes