Tax Payment FAQs
- When will I receive my school tax bill?
- Where and how can I pay may school tax bill?
- Can I pay my taxes in installments?
- Are Electronic Bill Pay Checks accepted?
- Do you accept payment with credit cards?
- Can I pre-pay my taxes?
- My tax bill will no longer be paid by escrow through my mortgage company. What do I do?
- I never received my bill, or received it late, do I still have to pay the penalty?
- If I mail my payment on the due date do I have to pay a penalty?
- How do I change my mailing address?
- Where do I pay delinquent (unpaid) taxes?
- Do I need to apply for a Veterans Exemption with the school if I already receive it on my town or county property taxes?
- Is there a deadline for Property Tax Exemptions?