Contact Information
The District's Tax Office is responsible for the collection of school taxes for over 11,000 parcels located within the Towns of Ballston, Charlton, Malta and Milton.
All powers and duties of this office, as well as collection procedures, are statutory and defined in the New York State Real Property Tax Law.
The Tax Collector welcomes any inquires pertaining to collection policies as well as general tax information. The Tax Office offers assistance to residents, realtors, lending institutions, title companies, and other entities that may require tax information. Upon request, the staff can furnish duplicate tax bills and receipts via email, mail or fax.
Contact Information:
School Tax Collector: Mary Schallehn
Phone: 518-884-7195 Ext.1360
Fax: 518-884-8140
If you have questions concerning the assessment on property you own, contact the assessor in your municipality:
Town of Ballston......518-490-2719
Town of Charlton.....518-384-0152
Town of Malta..........518-899-2584
Town of Milton.........518-885-8047